Soil health impacts all Canadians

Health soil – healthy planet! That’s a connection more Canadians are making. The Soil Conservation Council of Canada (SCCC) has always been a strong advocate for our soils to ensure that all Canadians continue to benefit from the health of this resource.

Soils are so much more than dirt. Farmers depend on soils for their livelihoods and all Canadians rely on them for clean air, food and water.

Farmers know that soil health and conservation practices are the best way to manage agricultural land. Soil health practices (zero till, cover crops, extended and diverse crop rotations etc.) prevent soil degradation, thus maintaining and improving soils for future generations. These practices make farming more sustainable while improving farmers’ bottom line. The current estimate of soil degradation costs to Canadians is around $3.1 billion annually. Clearly, there is still work to be done.

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